What: An installation to prompt reflection on Alice Walker’s Human Sunrise quote on the hope of humanity.
Instructions: Write the name of your Human Sunrise and the reasons why they are your Human Sunrise.
“And I say to that: When it is all too much; when the news is so bad meditation itself feels useless, and a single life feels too small a stone to offer on the altar of Peace, find a Human Sunrise. Find those people who are committed to changing our scary reality. Human sunrises are happening all over the earth, at every moment. People gathering, people working to change the intolerable, people coming in their robes and sandals or in their rags and bare feet, and they are singing, or not, and they are chanting, or not. But they are working to bring peace, light, compassion, to the infinitely frightening downhill slide of Human life.”
Instructions: Write a message to your Human Sunrise.
Jigmet is my human sunrise because he re-taught me that being kind and inclusive doesn’t take anything away from us. And that even if we don’t get back what we give, that might be better because we get lighter every time we give something away.
You are always always working, loving, opening your heart and giving as much as you can even when it’s difficult. I think of the light you are constantly shining into the world and the way it makes people around you grow. Thank you for being. You are love and light personified.
You make everything feel ok for me.
You’re always open-minded and you see the fascination and awe in the world,
but mostly you care.
Cus she make me feel all bubbly
Glover Elementary School Principal, Mrs. McDavitt
For making home so close to the heart.
You’re my Human Sunrise because you believe in humanity. On the most depressing day, when I can see nothing but negativity, you help me see the light.
A wise friend who also speaks slowly.